| Experience aBROAD

Interculturality and engineering

Engineering professions expose individuals to situations where mastering the concepts of interculturality is the key to success.
UPSSITECH accompanies its students in the acquisition of these concepts through scenarios and support for international mobility.
In this context, UPSSITECH gives a primordial place to the international dimension in its training of engineers. The School assists students in their experience abroad for a minimum of 17 weeks through:

  • a strong partnership with international companies and training establishments,
  • the development of double-degree courses,
  • assistance with access to funding (putting together applications for Erasmus grants, grants from the Région Occitanie, etc.),
  • course materials and lessons in English,
  • the study of two foreign languages (English compulsory and German, Spanish or Japanese optional).

UPSSITECH and Toulouse III – Paul Sabatier University partnerships

Based on the large portfolio of agreements with establishments abroad of Université Toulouse III – Paul Sabatier (https://www.univ-tlse3.fr/international), UPSSITECH offers many destination opportunities. The graph below represents the list of destination countries of students currently studying at UPSSITECH. It only represents a subset of all possible destinations.

An international policy

UPSSITECH initiates an international policy geared towards the development of training resources dedicated to the internationalization of its teaching, allowing it to place a strong emphasis on student mobility, both outgoing and incoming. The School has made recruiting foreign students one of its priorities.


  • Responsible for the International Relationships of the UPSSITECH: Carine Jauberthie – carine. jauberthie at univ-tlse3 . Fr (*)
  • GCGEO referent for the international relationships: Martin Roddaz – martin . roddaz at univ-tlse3 . fr (*)
  • SRI referent for the international relationships: Patrick Danès – patrick . danes at univ-tlse3 . fr (*)
  • STRI referent for the international relationships: Eric Gonneau – eric . gonneau at univ-tlse3 . fr (*)

(*) Delete the spaces and replace “at” with “@”.

| Actualités à la une


UPSSITECH is present at the STUDYRAMA2024 Show. Come and meet us at the Toulouse III University - Paul Sabatier stand on 09/11/2024 between 10:00 and 17:00 at the MEETT in Beauzelle.  ...

2024 Admission Campaign

2024 Admission Campaign

Opening of the 2024 admission campaign: Monday, March 11 Closing of the application server: Monday, May 13