
La Prépa UPSSITECH est un Cycle Préparatoire Intégré (CPI) correspond aux deux premières années d’une formation en 5 ans conduisant au diplôme d’ingénieur de l’Université de Toulouse dans une des trois spécialités de l’UPSSITECH : le Génie Civil et les Géosciences, la robotique, les télécommunications et réseaux.



The 1056-hour face-to-face training program – excepted projects – includes common core training elements and specialty options:

– The common core of the PREPA UPSSITECH mainly focuses on mathematics, mechanics, and computer science. It provides the foundation of knowledge to continue learning, analyzing, and innovating in the rest of the academic and then professional career. It represents the most important part of the training.

– Depending on the candidate’s interest in one of the UPSSITECH specialties, progressive specialization is ensured by optional modules from the first semester.

– At the end of the second year, a technical, scientific and transversal project put into practice the acquired knowledge and introduces project-based training as it is implemented in the specialties during the following 3 years.

Students who validate the 2 years of the PREPA UPSSITECH are admitted without selection into the pre-selected specialty stream for the last 3 years of the engineering training cycle.

Description of the training course



The PREPA UPSSITECH course is designed over a 5-year cycle. Also, candidates are invited to indicate their choice for one of the UPSSITECH specialties from the admission phase on Parcoursup. A reorientation is possible within the limits of the capacities of the specialties for students who would change their mind at the end of the first year.



prepa . upssitech at univ-tlse3 . fr (*)

Université de Toulouse
118 Route de Narbonne
31062 Toulouse Cedex

(*) Supprimer les espaces et remplacer “at” par “@”.