| leaving to Abroad

BCI programs (Quebec universities), Chile, Erasmus Mundus programs (South Africa, Southeast Asia), Obtaining Canadian student scholarships for internships (MITACS) (Sherbrooke, Moncton), United States (University of Florida, UCF Orlando ), Japan (NII Institute), Senegal, Tunisia. 

An experience abroad of at least 17 weeks accumulated during the three years of the engineering course is mandatory to obtain the UPSSITECH engineering degree.


Here below is the list of places where the mobility of students enrolled in UPSSITECH training took place during the 2019-2022 period.

To europe

Germany (Ilmenau, Kiel, Münich, Passau, Wolfenbüttel), Belgium (Sint-Katelijne, Wasser, Antwerp), Croatia (Zagreb), Denmark (Horsens), Scotland (Glasgow), Spain (Madrid, Barcelona, Cartagena, San Sebastian/ Bilbao, Valencia), Finland (Eastern Finland), Ireland (Trinity College, Maynooth), Italy (Bologna, Venice), Ireland (DERI Insight), Norway (Stavanger), Poland (Wroclaw), Portugal (Coïmbra, Lisbon), Romania (Lasi, Constanta), United Kingdom (Edinburgh Napier, The Hamlyn Center for Robotic Surgery, Imperial College London), Sweden (Örebro), Czech Republic (Prague).


BCI programs (Quebec universities), Chile, Erasmus Mundus programs (South Africa, Southeast Asia), Obtaining Canadian student scholarships for internships (MITACS) (Sherbrooke, Moncton), United States (University of Florida, UCF Orlando ), Japan (NII Institute), Senegal, Tunisia.



Information on mobility funding is available on the Toulouse 3-Paul Sabatier University website (https://www.univ-tlse3.fr/les-bourses-de-mobilite)

They are summarized below: supports for Mobility are of different types, depending on the context (information from August 2022):

  • Internships/semester of study: Erasmus, regional, university scholarships, etc. depending on mobility and resources (for certain scholarships or grants)
  • Financial support in Erasmus+

Non-scholarship students can apply for:

  • an Erasmus study grant: (€225/month or €275/month depending on the destination – data produced for the year 2022-2023)
  • assistance from the general council of the department of origin
  • a scholarship from the University of Toulouse III – Paul Sabatier (lump sum of €1000) (granted by selection according to family income)

Scholarship students can apply for:

  • mobility assistance from the Ministry of Higher Education and Research: Flat rate of €800 (data produced over the year 2022-2023)
  • mobility assistance from the Regional Council of Occitanie: €280/month
  • selective support based on social criteria from the Ministry of Higher Education and Research (flat rate €800) and/or the Regional Council of Occitanie (€70/week)

All students can request:

  • a Eurocampus Check from the Midi-Pyrénées Regional Council (for Barcelona only): Flat rate €600 (data produced over the year 2022-2023)
  • the support granted on selection within the framework of the BCI programs (for Quebec universities) and TASSEP (for the USA and English-speaking Canada)



| Actualités à la une


UPSSITECH is present at the STUDYRAMA2024 Show. Come and meet us at the Toulouse III University - Paul Sabatier stand on 09/11/2024 between 10:00 and 17:00 at the MEETT in Beauzelle.  ...

2024 Admission Campaign

2024 Admission Campaign

Opening of the 2024 admission campaign: Monday, March 11 Closing of the application server: Monday, May 13