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| departement ROBOTICS

| Robotic and Interactive Systems (SRI)


The vocation of “Robotic and Interactive Systems” (SRI) is to train and certify engineers able to develop and deploy robotic and / or interactive systems (industrial, mobile, humanoid robots), integrating all functions of software necessary for their total or partial autonomy. These systems are at the center of the training and constitute the integration objects for the development of skills at the confluence of the Automatic, Real-Time Computing, and Artificial Intelligence.
The programming of these systems is articulated around the perception-decision-action triptych: multi-sensory perception, decision-making, reasoning and learning, planning of movement actions and sensorimotor control of robots, multimodal interaction … and their integration on cyber-physical systems that combine the virtual world of real-time computing with the real world of robots.


The Occitanie Region, particularly in “Le Grand Toulouse”, is one of the most dynamic regions in France in the fields of Robotics, Human-Computer Interaction, and Artificial Intelligence. SRI training is fully integrated into this regional “training-research-industry” as well as the national and international ecosystems, It is characterized by:

  1. A fit with the expectations of employers and an effective industrial partnership, especially with the network of former graduated SRI students, Robotics Place and Digital Place clusters for their opportunities for internships, and employment. The apprenticeship training is thus possible for the students of the training in the last year of the course (2nd year of the master degree).

  2. An international experience through mobility opportunities in semesters and / or internships (laboratories, companies) in Europe, Japan, South and Central America, Australia, etc.

  3. An innovative approach to Robotics and Artificial Intelligence thanks to teaching courses mainly taught by research professors from the LAAS-CNRS and IRIT research laboratories, and thanks to a strong project-based approach to decompartmentalize the taught disciplines.

Detailed Syllabus (click on this link – in French)

Sectors and trades

SRI trains and certifies the following professions in the fields of embedded and industrial robotics and human-computer interaction: systems validation engineer, software developer, software designer.

The targeted sectors are high-technology industries and services in industrial production, embedded systems, land transportation, recreation, computer services, health, agriculture, defense and security.


Department Secretariat
Arielle NOIROT
+33 (0)5 61 55 88 13 – arielle.noirot at univ-tlse3 . fr (*)
118 Route de Narbonne
31062 Toulouse Cedex

(*) Delete spaces and replace “at” with “@”.

Director of the department